Our Health Service has a strong focus on helping young people to learn about how to stay healthy and well, while encouraging them to do the activities that they enjoy and benefit from.

Our Primary Healthcare and health promotion activities are held hand in hand with the Social Emotional Wellbeing program, with a special focus on regular health checks, immunisations, nutrition, and smoking cessation. We provide our health care with respect and understanding for cultural practices and traditions, and we seek and encourage a partnered approach to work closely with all of our patients, especially our young clients.

We are fortunate to have a mechanical workshop and tyre changing facilities as well as a music studio, based in our SEWB building, to encourage young people to meet with our health professionals, and to share knowledge and skills. Our Men and Women’s Sheds are also ideal places for young people to learn new skills and to talk about maintaining healthy bodies, and minds, linked closely to cultural activities and skills.

We have spaces for little ones too, as part of our Mamas and Bubs activities, and our health professionals and the local Elders work together to promote understanding of the changes that occur as young people grow and develop. We want to support families as young people, men and women, make plans to become parents, through sharing knowledge and skills for parenting, child development and growth.