We have a team of full-time, permanent Registered Nurses, Aboriginal Health Practitioners and trainees, Social / Mental Health Workers,and a Medical Officer / GP residing near our main clinic at Amengernterneah, providing outreach primary health care and social emotional wellbeing services.

We have an amazing team of support staff who ensure our facilities and assets are available to allow our clinical staff to provide primary health care and allied services.

We work very closely with our partners at Central Australian Aboriginal Congress, Royal Flying Doctor Services, Alice Springs Hospital, the GP Consult Telehealth (Primary & Public Healthcare, NT Health) and the Medical Retrieval and Consultation Centre, Central Australian Retrieval Service. Without this support, our communities would be greatly disadvantaged because of the remoteness of our location and the limited access to specialised, allied and emergency services

We have recently employed seven new Aboriginal Health Worker trainees, who work daily at our main clinic and in their remote homeland communities.


Ear Nose and Throat
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Opthalmology and Optometry
Allied Health - Physiotherapy
Podiatry, Diabetes Nurse Educator
Mental Health Nurse


Antenatal and Pregnancy Care
Family Planning
Cervical Screening and Gynaecology
Health Promotion and Education
Chronic Disease Management
Childhood immunisations
Men’s and Women’s Health
Mental Health
Wound Dressing
Visiting Specialist and Allied Health
After Hours 24/7 Emergency Care